Saturday, June 28, 2008


CarlyCarly relaxing under the TV behind her her bed near the fireplace... prefers the floor where all the wires are... Heeee.... I still am so worried about her... At night she seems not to see very well. Still waiting on the labs for her Tourine levels and all the other blood work that the vet order! :(

I'm wondering how much she sees?? She keeps walking very careful... Her meds have finished. The labs aren't ready yet.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Continue Hissing!

Under Sheet Mitsuru is sleeping in many places but the most weirdest one is under the covers. I think its a way for her to avoid Carly. I hope the hissing stops. Carly looks so sad when her sis does that. Breaks my heart! :( She doesn`t know what`s going on why Mitsuru has turned on her like that. As Carly cannot see well... :(Corner Sleeping

Been reading around the net about the hissing and on my flickr group is apparently normal... Its a relief but still hurts poor Carly's feelings... She wants things to go back to how things were. They don't even drink water together... How sad! :(


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day after...

Under CoversHaven't been on the net so much been trying to take care of Carly, She gets her meds at 8:30am and at 8:30pm, she seems to be very careful at walking when she does, She sleeping a lot. Mitsuru still in her hissing mood. I wonder when she will be stopping this. I worry. I try to make them play together but it only aggravates the situation. I guess I should just let them be.

Under CoversI just been really depressed over Carly and seem to spend lots and lots of time just watching over her. I really am scared if she will be loosing her sight. I know that cats do live pretty well, they adjust... Still I don't want that for her. Still waiting for the result from the ophthalmologist.


Friday, June 20, 2008




Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ophthalmologist Appointment

WaitingWoke up and fed the kitties around 7am. Carly's 8:20am appointment is today. Got there and waited for about 5min. We were the first ones there. The vet looked at her and did a full ophthalmologist examination [tonometry-intraocular pressure]. She saw that she has some degeneration of her eyes. They took blood for taurine, and toxoplasmosis tests [IgG+IgM]. All this was 600$. If worse comes to worse there will be a MRI done which she will be put down to check her out, that will cost over 1,000$... We will see about the tests first.
Can't get Down
Mitsuru is still hissing and trying to scratch Carly. Carly just stares at her maybe she can't see her craziness... Right now Carly's in her favorite chair and Mitsuru is under the covers on the couch.

AsleepCalled the regular vet to talk to her but she will not be in until 2:30pm. I will called back later. also asked if Mitsuru's hissing was normal and the secretary said its normal cuz she must smell the hospital.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Mitsuru Waits to See VetWoke up and called the vet. Carly seems to be OK but didn't know if she would be discharged. Mitsuru has an appointment at 11am to see the vet because I found a bit of blood and mucus in her stool. That really scared me so I wanted her to see her. Took Carly's previous appointment to get her teeth clean and extracted [which was postponed due to the unknown illness] and took Mitsuru to see the vet instead. The vet gave her special food and gave her a complete check up to see if she had anything. We need to get a fresh sample of her stool and take it to them as soon as possible.Discharged

Carly has an appointment tomorrow at 8:20 for the ophthalmologist, as a cancellation was made. She was also discharged from the vet and came home. the technician was going to put her in with Mitsuru but she started to hiss at Carly. I decided to cover Carly and bring her with me in my arms. Once home she seem like totally happy and went to her favorite chair but on her way Mitsuru was all upset and seem to be not happy that Carly's back. gave Carly her meds at 8:30pm. Seems to be eating OK but sleeps a lot.

In n OutThe night was quiet but both cats stayed away from each other.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Visiting Carly

Visiting CarlyCarly's in the hospital and Mimi is just wondering where she went. I wonder what she's going to do when she comes home? I called to find out what is going on with Carly. They told me that she had seen the vet and had Iv once again with her meds [Prednisone 5mg, Clavamoz 62.5mg]. The dosage has change into pills... We went to see her. Brought her bed and finally was able to eat with me... Spend about 2hrs with he.

Raoul in HospitalThe cutest kitty 7month old name Raoul... Was there for castration... :(

Carly seem more herself when we left and the vet was kind of surprise. Will see if they can get an appointment for the ophthalmologist as soon as we can, because the 30 of June is a bit too far and this might be an emergency. She also said that she might get to leave tomorrow. Another night at the hospital for Carly.

Scared that Mitsuru will get use to being on her own and try to be mean to Carly when she comes back.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Carly in hospital

Carly at the vetCarly's is sick from what, we don't know... What cause it, still a mystery... Anxious, nervous and praying she'll be OK!

Its been a week that I've noticed somethings different with Carly. She was walking very cautiously, any noise made her jump, she started to eat less, when jumping of the couch or chair she was very hesitant to jump but the final straw was this Sunday when her pupils didn't react to light... They stayed big and when I tried to put a string in front so she can play she ignored it. I stayed up until early morning reading all about different eye diseases... I got about 3hrs of sleep and woke up to feed them. Called the vet and they said it was urgent for her to go in... We were there in 20min... We got there the technician first examine her and wrote some info on her chart. After about 5-10 min the vet showed up and did her test. BFG and me told her of her problems that we had been noticing for the past week...

Carly at the vetI also told her that Carly had an appointment on Wed for blood work for her cleaning and extractions but that was put on hold... She said the most important thing is to deal with the problems she's having. It could be many things she said hypertension, diabetes [Carly weights now 9.48lb], or unknown disease. I wanted to cry but stop myself. BFG saw me struggling so he took over and started to talk instead. The vet checked her breathing and heart... She said she noticed a slight arrhythmia, that's scary. Carly's only 4yrs old... Also she saw how cautious she walked... I'm so scared!

Carly's CageThe vet decide it would be best for Carly to spend 24hrs at the hospital for observation and where she'll have tests done: complete blood work, 2 x-rays, blood pressure taken, ecg [if needed], IV [if needed] and see if she's eating OK. As she's been eating less, it could be that her teeth hurt too as she needs extractions and deep cleaning which has been postponed do to these unknown problems that have arised.

I knew something was not right with Carly.. I had this gut intuition and BFG just thought I was too sensitive. He doesn't spend as much time with them as I do and when my kitties are not 100% I can see right away. To the vet we go! =^.-= I love them so much, they're part of my family and will do anything for them to be OK.

Now it's the wait and see time...

3:05pm liver and kidney are OK. Vet is operating will call me to talk to me about the results of the other tests...

Vet called
5:40pm - on looking closer they found kidney stones. Carly seems not to want to eat and got hooked to IV... She'll try to see if she can make her eat something and will give her antibiotics. Also, Carly's heart seems a bit not much but a bit big. Her lungs and arteries are fine. Tomorrow she'll see the vet and a call will be placed to the eye vet to see if they can see her as soon as possible and they'll call me for further updates. I been thinking what could she have ingested that made her so sick. Tomorrows white blood cell count will reveal more but for now she's still looking depressed and not eating.. Worried... no sleep...
I'm worried about Carly so very much... I can't seem to sleep... she's at the hospital for observation...


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Carly seems Sick

Under Couch
Carly's not looking so well, she seems to be very careful when walking... When she's on the couch or her favorite chair she hesitates to calm down. She seem very depressed... It's been all week that she's been this way. I will call the vet tomorrow to find out if there's something wrong!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Originally uploaded by she.likes.cute
This kitty is so cute... Huggie huggie the couch! the look he has of total relaxation! I want to be a pampered kitty in my next life... oooh the life! :) hee..


Monday, June 09, 2008


Originally uploaded by hidelafoglia
I love the face of kitties... this one capture me... he is so cute! I love the pictures that he takes... what a model, indeed! :)


Sunday, June 01, 2008

Mini Kitties

Mini Kitties
Originally uploaded by Angry Angel
How cute are these...


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