Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Visiting Carly

Visiting CarlyCarly's in the hospital and Mimi is just wondering where she went. I wonder what she's going to do when she comes home? I called to find out what is going on with Carly. They told me that she had seen the vet and had Iv once again with her meds [Prednisone 5mg, Clavamoz 62.5mg]. The dosage has change into pills... We went to see her. Brought her bed and finally was able to eat with me... Spend about 2hrs with he.

Raoul in HospitalThe cutest kitty 7month old name Raoul... Was there for castration... :(

Carly seem more herself when we left and the vet was kind of surprise. Will see if they can get an appointment for the ophthalmologist as soon as we can, because the 30 of June is a bit too far and this might be an emergency. She also said that she might get to leave tomorrow. Another night at the hospital for Carly.

Scared that Mitsuru will get use to being on her own and try to be mean to Carly when she comes back.


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