testing canon feature
Carly helping me test the canon capture through pc... Aint's she a great subject! She was a super trooper helping mommy... She looks totally cute... Then she ate some treats for her modeling scene and she went off to sleep her work of... She can start her own modeling career... heee...
The girls have been quite quiet today but most probably the catfight and the chasing will start at around 1am when everyone is sleeping and they want action instead of sleeping! heee...Carly's been incognito almost the whole day... B-G carried her to the bed and she's been there ever since... We haven't even made the bed, afraid to disturb her sleep. As she worked so hard yesterday helping me test the canon/pc capture feature... heee. One way I know that she will move is if I shake the treats but that's just too mean... She looks so cute sleeping... B-G and I seem to agree on the fact that if we were to come back as animals it would be a pampered kitty! heee...
Mitsuru's talent to do the wierdest and cutest things is top of her list from yesterday. She wants to eat on top of my desk, why, only she knows... I put her food in the usual place and she just looked at me and meowed. Like saying what is it doing on the floor here I want it on top of the desk next to the monitor... It was funny, cuz I picked up the food and took it to the desk, she made her way and jumped on my lap and onto the desk where she began to eat... I caressed her and she meowed a bit, like saying not now, let me eat! heee... cutie....
Will be taking Mitsuru to the vet about her acne. She hates her meds, she knows when I am about to go and get her to put it on her. She absolutely hates it and I amtired of seeing her gorgeous fluffy white fur all pink and stuff... OCM said that Herbie had it and it took shots to get rid of it... I want that poor Mitsuru, I don't want her to be psychologically scar by me always wanting to put an ointment on her...
What kind of CANON CAMERA did you get?
Never met a cat I didn't like!
Sue-Sue the Dog, got a bad barbed wire rip
in her front leg........took her to the vet......
2 staples and she was fine...except the Vet
wanted her to wear one of those lamp shade things to keep her mouth away from her staples..........the hood satyed on for about 5 minutes........so far she has not
chewed out the staples!
While at Vet's........they had a small box
with 3 kitties less than 3 weeks old....so
tiny....just opening their eyes--- there was an orange tabby and 2 greys......
Do I want a 4th cat?
The shots for Herbie was the first treatment plan............cats do not like
foriegn substances on their bodies!
Carly & Mitsuru,
Come visit my blog--all about the pets I have had!!!!!!
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