Flickr and the day
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And got a few more contacts... Kenny, his kitty Latte (how can you not love him...) and other kitties he stalks... heee... Then there's foto cats which made me laugh so much... dang... heee... I love the picture of 'He's touching me!' AAAhhh, so cute... heee... Also, another 2 - FleaCircus and dominocat... I love cats!! I think if B-G would let me I would have another 4 cats but he said only 2, no more...
The ladies have been good... Carly's been eyeing B-G's begals with cream cheese and smoked salmon spread which she got a taste of this afternoon... She loves it...We have come up with a plan to sort of make her a little thinner not feed her so much of our food... We try but she just is too freaken cute to deny her any... I know, bad kitty parents... heee... but still... its a moment of weakness that she knows we have.
She also has a way of getting her treats... She hores herself... heee... When I'm on the PC she comes and jumps onto my lap and sits there for a while and looks up at me like saying hey I am here please feed me my treats... I guess it's because I have been doing it for the past few weeks and she now thinks that every time she comes she gets treats... I have been laying off them and to my surprise she stays there for a while then makes her way to the couch or bed... Hope it stays that way... heee...Right now they are jumping like Mexican beans... And I have to be a bit stern with them cuz it's like 1am and people are sleeping at this our... They been good... Carly is right now doing her hide and seek with Mitsuru in the bed... They are so cute!
Look at her... How can we not deny her the yummy stuff she craves... aaahhh.... pretty baby kitty! *kiss *kiss... Love Yah!!!
I have often thought of a blog with CATS (mostly mine) with photos with captions.......
Mitsuru has acne? Herbie, had it too when I brought him home from the vet cured it with a series
(4) of weekly shots.
A long time ago, I started a non computer CAT NEWSLETTER...............I had folks from
a dozen states and Canada..........WE exchanged thoughts and photos thru
the "voices" of our was pretty
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