Monday, July 21, 2008

Friday to Monday

Carly on Friday was a bit bloated but let it go thinking she was drinking and eating a lot... On Saturday she seemed a bit tired but still eating normally... I was wondering why she was bloated still and went to check the litter box to see if she had gone to the washroom... Of course not! Only Mimi’s stuff was there... by the time I checked it was too late to call the vet. Sunday I found a hard piece w/ blood and mucus. She had just finished rubbing her bum on the floor of the hallway. She seemed ok but decided that I would call early Monday morning the vet. I called and explained all that occurred on the weekend...
The vet advise to give her the Laxative that I give Mitsuru for her hairballs, make sure to put her on the litter often, put a few water bowls around the house, to discontinue giving her the Prednisone and to bring Carly tomorrow at 11:45 [which later was moved to 2pm].


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