Today's Miss Carly's 4th birthday! the bestest wishes my lovely kitty! :) Though your loosing your sight we will always love you and help you through your journey! :) We love you tons....
We feel the luckiest people to have you in our lives.. When you lie there and act you, we think of you like a totally cutie! Constantly, we praise you and call you our beautiful meow-meow! My heart hurts when the thought of you not being able to see outside your window every morning and seeing you jump like a bunny really hurts so much. We pray that you remain with some of your sight! :)
We feel the luckiest people to have you in our lives.. When you lie there and act you, we think of you like a totally cutie! Constantly, we praise you and call you our beautiful meow-meow! My heart hurts when the thought of you not being able to see outside your window every morning and seeing you jump like a bunny really hurts so much. We pray that you remain with some of your sight! :)
Happy BD, Carly!
Just think of all the handicapped people/critters you 2 have encountered??
They all adapt and even think animals do it better than humans.
The you tube clips are cool--got to learn how to do that--I have no video
making capability......
Latest on CARLY?
"Handicapped" critters: I always think of my handicapped chicken that I have maintained for a couple of years.
She has lost her talons and has 'pegged' legs---she has learned to hop around quite well, using her wings as
Hey ocm,
thanks for coming around.. Haven't been updating lately and not on the net for a few days... I been busy w/ stuff... :) Thanks...
As for your chicken, when you said she uses her wings, doesn't she fold them? she's a trooper! :) for the videos... yah, my camera has that capeabilities... but for only 3 min... :) on youtube it takes for ever to upload... i may use my site for that.. do you have a webca? if u do you can make vids that way. or u can get a pretty good camera w/ video capeabilities for a really good price...
:) thanks :)
PS: I need to go and read your stuff... I'm so glad that i get emails or else i wouldn't be able to see them... :)
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