Woke up and called the vet. Carly seems to be OK but didn't know if she would be discharged. Mitsuru has an appointment at 11am to see the vet because I found a bit of blood and mucus in her stool. That really scared me so I wanted her to see her. Took Carly's previous appointment to get her teeth clean and extracted [which was postponed due to the unknown illness] and took Mitsuru to see the vet instead. The vet gave her special food and gave her a complete check up to see if she had anything. We need to get a fresh sample of her stool and take it to them as soon as possible.
Carly has an appointment tomorrow at 8:20 for the ophthalmologist, as a cancellation was made. She was also discharged from the vet and came home. the technician was going to put her in with Mitsuru but she started to hiss at Carly. I decided to cover Carly and bring her with me in my arms. Once home she seem like totally happy and went to her favorite chair but on her way Mitsuru was all upset and seem to be not happy that Carly's back. gave Carly her meds at 8:30pm. Seems to be eating OK but sleeps a lot.The night was quiet but both cats stayed away from each other.
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