Friday, October 07, 2005


What has the world come to! I went to jen2 site and read her latest post! It anger me and completely took me by surprised. I started to google, yahoo and just look for information where I could find it! I been reading and reading and have seen such disgusting images of the poor stray dog with hooks in his mouth area, used for shark bait. The French-language daily newspaper, of Réunion Island, an amateur fisherman was tried and convicted of animal cruelty. This apprently isn't an isolated incident. Several animal rights groups like the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the RSPCA (sign the petition), and the Brigitte Bardot Foundation have a number of documented cases. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation has been lobbing the local officials and the French Foreign Ministry for the past 10 yrs hoping to put an end to the practice by enforcing the existing laws against the cruelty to animals. The method is rarely used by skillful fishermen and used more by amateur shark hunters who deal in the black market.

Article en Français:
Les animaux pour la pêche aux requins
L'homme, le meilleur ennemi du chien
Trois hameçons, trois mois de prison avec sursis
La maltraitance condamnée

I deserves more then 1 mention in my blogs!!!


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