Tuesday, October 18, 2005

vet time - Mitsuru

At 10:30am I was taken to the vet with out any explanation! Well, it was good cuz I freak out and start to meow continously! They saved themselves from my cries... I got checked for mites and apparently I have acne on my chin! He will be getting me the ointment or what ever the stuff is and apparently it's called 'chlorhexidine.' Anyways, I have to get my ears clean every day as per the vet... I hate that and I tend to scratch her... Then she will figures I should get my nails clipped... That brings the problem that I hate staying still for her to clip them properly. It takes her for ever... I know she loves me but I truly hate her when she cuts my nails and cleans my ears...

Well, apparently the app with the vet was for my booster shot which I needed to be held down by someone not the lady or the man but by the lab tech chick that was there. I started to jump around so I got held really tight and was given the shot on my thigh instead of on the back. I also seem to have a bumb there but it's from the previous vaccinations, that's what the vet said!

I got home and been sleepy for the last few hrs. I need some zzzz.... now...


Friday, October 14, 2005

dreaming Carly

Today I scared her.... wich was pretty funny... and cute all rolled into one! She thought I was crying or something had happened to me. Instead I was really having a good sleep! I was dreaming of something that I can't quite put my finger on at this moment! But she woke me out of my dream which startled me and I my head sprang up like the wits had been scared out of me, which they had been. I looked at her and made her feel all guilty and then I went back to sleep!

BTW, she has me on a diet... She seems to think that my veloptuous figure is not at all appealing and the vet agrees with them... Help they won't give me all the food I want, I am diet hell!!!


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

getting along

Carly and Mitsuru have been getting along pretty well! I am so happy!

Things I have to do related to the kitties:

find out if the vet clinic send the paperwork to the insurance! Well, more like they got the paperwork from the vet clinics the kitties had gone before I got them.

call about Mitsuru's lump between her shoulder blades. The vet clinic said it was due to the vaccination given to her. That in some cats that is what occurs and will automatically go away in a week or 2. Still she has it. And if it doesn't go away they gave me the option to come in and they would look at her for fee. Which is nice of them!

So far they are at it again! Play fighting and all that jazz....


Saturday, October 08, 2005


The mornings are hectic with them... They love to chase each other around so much that at times I hear them hit the floor really hard or just bang into a piece of furniture. I say "NO!" in a loud voice they stop look at me, like a couple of deers caught in the headlights. And then they assume their play. The only way I can calm them down, well more like only for a few minutes, is when they hear the sound of me shaking the food! Oh, they come alrighty!

Carly is being more vocal and it's so cute... We had thought she was mute as she didn't meow at all. But found that the only place and time where she meowed is in the mornings in the bathroom! Funny!

Mitsuru on the other hand is a vocal cat. Damn, vocal! She purrs like truly loud! And I guess Mitsuru's talent is spreading to Carly.

Another thing Carly has learned is not to be so afraid of us. She now lets us pet her when we see her, instead of taking of and hiding in her favorite space.

My kitties are my friends. I love them and take care of them. I am truly happy!


Friday, October 07, 2005


What has the world come to! I went to jen2 site and read her latest post! It anger me and completely took me by surprised. I started to google, yahoo and just look for information where I could find it! I been reading and reading and have seen such disgusting images of the poor stray dog with hooks in his mouth area, used for shark bait. The French-language daily newspaper, of Réunion Island, an amateur fisherman was tried and convicted of animal cruelty. This apprently isn't an isolated incident. Several animal rights groups like the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the RSPCA (sign the petition), and the Brigitte Bardot Foundation have a number of documented cases. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation has been lobbing the local officials and the French Foreign Ministry for the past 10 yrs hoping to put an end to the practice by enforcing the existing laws against the cruelty to animals. The method is rarely used by skillful fishermen and used more by amateur shark hunters who deal in the black market.

Article en Français:
Les animaux pour la pêche aux requins
L'homme, le meilleur ennemi du chien
Trois hameçons, trois mois de prison avec sursis
La maltraitance condamnée

I deserves more then 1 mention in my blogs!!!


why the girls are locked up

They were at each other through out the whole night. And some how one of them managed to get a piece of their dung out of the kitty litter onto the hallway which made me gag. The worst is that I found ms. Mitusuru playing with it! Yukkies!! I put it in the garbage and sprayed the floor with bleach Fantastic! I had to put them in the bathroom until the fumes and the cleaning of the mess was done. That's how the evening ended yesterday!


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