vet time - Mitsuru
At 10:30am I was taken to the vet with out any explanation! Well, it was good cuz I freak out and start to meow continously! They saved themselves from my cries... I got checked for mites and apparently I have acne on my chin! He will be getting me the ointment or what ever the stuff is and apparently it's called 'chlorhexidine.' Anyways, I have to get my ears clean every day as per the vet... I hate that and I tend to scratch her... Then she will figures I should get my nails clipped... That brings the problem that I hate staying still for her to clip them properly. It takes her for ever... I know she loves me but I truly hate her when she cuts my nails and cleans my ears...
Well, apparently the app with the vet was for my booster shot which I needed to be held down by someone not the lady or the man but by the lab tech chick that was there. I started to jump around so I got held really tight and was given the shot on my thigh instead of on the back. I also seem to have a bumb there but it's from the previous vaccinations, that's what the vet said!
I got home and been sleepy for the last few hrs. I need some zzzz.... now...