Carly napping on new blanket
So, this is a new blanket from BFGs Sis... She decided to make it her own...
...Stress free lifestyles! And the tricks we love to pull on our humans...
So, this is a new blanket from BFGs Sis... She decided to make it her own...
I had taken a break and BFG was eating so she was like damn, when am I going to get served, too... heee...
Searching... Jumps to love the PC, hee... She also loves scratching at the screen... for the mouse factor... heee... I need to get a shot of that... heee...
BFG has been calling Carly, Petunia ever since she took to the flower bed... She looks so cute and it so matches her. We love her dear... Trying to find one similar or maybe different for Mitsuru... Still on the look for that... :)
She watched me laughing like a maniac for a while then she decided to jumped on me and see wth was I watching... Too funny... wonder if she understands him?
Kitty Mitsuru has a few names we call her... mina, mimi, mimina, mitsuru, michichi, mimili, mitsuruli, skinny-mini
Kitty Carly has a few too... michichi, chichi, chichili, carly, carlyli, ninin, chubby, fatzo, fatty-fat-fat
just realized that we called them such funny names at times... heee... :)
Carly tends to do this a lot... Think a while an then starts to drink and stops and then starts to drink. She does this several times... She spends about 10-15 min. drinking like this. This time she allowed me to capture her in thought. I love you, Carly...
Feel a bit scared because she has changed quite a bit since her loss of her sight and now with the arrhythmia... She still fights and keeps her #1 place when it comes to Mitsuru trying to be #1... Too funny but as for other stuff like she doesn't really play any more and sleeps quite a lot more then Mitsuru... Mitsuru on the other hand plays and freakens runs from one end of the room to the other and slides [which I need to capture that on video some day], too funny...
Although one thing that Carly still does, which I also need to capture on video, is do her little tricks... heee... :) I love my cats more than anything in this world... BFG is on the same page as me. Our fur babies are #1 in our hearts!
Mitsuru came to spend time with me and watch what I was looking at. She was captivated by the firework videos that PaperBouquet has put up... I thank her because I didn't know Mitsuru would be so enthrall with... heee...
Our 1st day of 2009 was spend surfing the net and flickering... heee... We miss you BFG! Carly on the other hand was deep in sleep in her flower bed... hee...