...Stress free lifestyles! And the tricks we love to pull on our humans...
So, this is what happened when I went to get up and get some water... She was staring at the PC... heee.... She's so funny!
Caught the girls jumping on different occasions but the same day... totally funny!!!
Morning time... at the water hole! I guess they get thirsty at the same time... they do this every morning... I finally got a shot of them drinking at the same time! Sweet looking kitties... You can see how different their tails are... So cute!!
Carly is trying to loose weight right now and tends to drink lots of water in the morning before or after she eats... She gets her daily water intake for sure... On the other hand Mitsuru is one kitty that is not so water hung ho as Carly... But when it comes to food, they are both their with bells on! Although, if Carly and Mitsuru would eat together [seen in previous feedings] Carly would swallow her food and then push Mitsuru of her food and then vacuum clean the bowl... She walks away proud of herself... Too funny... We need to control her food intake so that cannot happened anymore... Plus, poor Mitsuru can now gain some weight... Heee.... Interrupted... Excuse me this is private! :P This one was funny... They need to always get a shot of them. heee... How wonderful are they? NYA! After this I was making breakfast and they tended to stay around me, thinking they would get some yummy human food. But that would never happened as Mitsuru may get crystals in her kidneys and Carly is sorta chubby and doesn't need to get more round... Plus, it has taken me a while for them not to go on top of the counters and tables... Not allowed... They usually think they own every piece of furniture...
Mitsuru getting petted by BFG... She is so cute... Got it on video... heee.... so cute.... Purrrrr.....All the time she gets petted she tends to purr so hard... she's a very lovable kitty... She comes and asks you to pet her... Well, she also comes and meows at you until you feed her... And if she has been fed and Carly is in the bathroom locked up Mitsuru comes to tell us to get her out... She's a true sister to Carly... I separate both of them when they eat as Carly tends to eat Mitsuru's food and Mitsuru does the same. Not a good thing for Mitsuru because Carly always pushes her... Heee...
In the evening... All smudge up! Being Artsy!!! Wanted to take a picture of Carly but this is what I got and when I tried to take another she was gone like the wind!!!
A day when Mimi felt like playing with the toys!! She then got tired and just lay next to them! Had to capture this... it was so funny.
Captured her on her bed lazily hanging her paws... With the look of 'Ain't I so precious!!'
I was taking pictures of my closet when she decided to become the model, heee... She loves attention... Plus, she was modeling to get her payment after, food! heee....
Finally got the shot!
Sitting on the arm of the couch... they love to sit and enjoy their time... they tend to lick each other once in a while... nutty kitties... Mimi is always ready for a short... Carly on the other hand just loves to sleep... heee....
Mimi loves lying down on the side of the couch... I love to take her picture when she does that. I never had a kitty that did this sort of thing... She is a unique and crazy cat, well what cat is not unique to his/her owner, heee...
She's still playing and loving the crack... She's found a new play mate... Carly on the other hand doesn't pay no attention to that... she love sleeping in her bed near the window. where she gets her breeze of the day! she's one cute cat... Due need to get her sleeping on BFG backpack, well both of them do it. We don't know why but they do...
Carly on the other hand loves to settle herself, when the basket is not there, to go in one of the squares in our coffee table... She finds it fun to be there...
When taking this picture I thought it would come out totally cute but then when I uploaded it to my pc, those eyes, scared me... the flash always love Carly's eyes and makes her look weird!!!
I am recently dabbing in the world of polymer clay and made some trinkets for the kitties to wear... still need to find more necklace wire to put the charms on them... Hopefully they like them and looks good on them... Mimi got an M and Carly got her C... On top of that they get little paw prints and a flower! I need to see if I can make them a cute collar to go with it... They have the rabies tag with a small circle bell right now... Talking about shots, need to find out when their next rabies shots should be given... They're needed in case we take the girls out of the country! I rather be safe then sorry, even though they have never traveled...
They're 100% indoor cats... They love to look out the window but that's as far as they go... Maybe this summer I'll see if they go on the balcony but they're not use to the noises outside and when they have been out on the balcony they tend to get scared and go into the house right away.