Carly in Flower Bed
Plus, its a check-plus as I don't have to be picking up dust-bunnies/kitties.
...Stress free lifestyles! And the tricks we love to pull on our humans...
I have started them on exercising [playing] for Carly mostly she needs to loose a few pnds. Mitsuru is a skinny rail, we feel so bad cuz she looks like a anorexic thing reminds me of how Lindsay Lohan's looking these days.
Carly and Mitsuru played for 20 minutes with their favorite long silver necklace. They really love it. Specially Carly because she can hear it and sense it.
Yesterdays play day was like always except for Carly, she was funny/sad. She got near my sandals and jumped so high after she jumped she backed away and jumped again as she hit the leg of the PC caddy. It was funny but sad at the same time. After that ordeal she still was willing to play. This is the only time they don't fight. Well more like Mitsuru doesn't hiss or fight with poor Carly.
I feel so sad for her when she cannot see the sandals or if there is an object that wasn't /suppose/expected to be there. I wonder if she will always react like that?
The girls wish you all a very great green day! And want you to remember the 3 R's...
She was a total good girl. She was so co-operative more then we can say about Mitsuru. We even brought Mitsuru with us. :) But to no avail Mitsuru totally attacked Carly. We had to separate them.
I had to put Carly in the carrier but Mitsuru had to be carried and she was not really happy meowing like a banchie. I was so heart broken. It thought I was doing a good thing by bringer her with us but it was so bad. Never again will I be doing this.
She looks so damn cute... she loves her bed so very much... she has no idea that she'll be going to the hairdresser, in a few hrs... :)
Mitsuru got shaved and was exhausted after her ordeal. She looks like a skinny mini but its worth it. She vomits so much, I feel its not good for her stomach. It cost way less then at the vet plus at the vet they put them down. More of a trauma for the body then when she's being shaved awake. Next week is Carly's appointment. I wonder if she will hiss at her?